Friday, September 8, 2017

Easy Game Day Pumpkin Spice Peanut Butter Cookies

Football season has begun and with that comes our beloved tailgating & fall traditions! During football season you'll find my husband doing one of three things:

                                                           1) Brewing Beer
                                                           2) Watching multiple games on TV
                                                           3) Tailgating with friends

He lives for this time of year. The delicious smell of wort during the mash process, a brat in one hand and cold beer in the other....ahhh, this is living, this is Game Day, y'all.

I'm very similar to my Groom. I love sipping hot apple cider and baking during this time of year. Baking pumpkin bread, cookies and well breads of all kind! We are a family of comfort of food and drink during Football season. And we've got our game faces on as we prepare our next brews and bakes for the upcoming weekend!

I pretty much always having homemade cookies in our cookie jar and it's almost always double chocolate chip cookies {my kids favorite}. Today I got a little ahead of myself and decided to bake something with a little more protein to see us through this busy weekend, but also filled with fall flavors. In one day we have flag football and cheer for our littles, ACT test for our college bound high school senior, watching the Hogs beat TCU, a sleepover for our daughter and my parents annual chili supper at the lake with family and friends. Brewing beer and baking pumpkin bread will just have to wait till next weekend. But weekends like this are what fall is all about, wrapped into a warm blanket, and we are ready to cozy up!

{This recipe makes 2 dozen cookies}

Today's fall bake is so easy, and if you've never tried making peanut butter cookies this way you have no idea what you are missing. I know some people say they can't bake, but you can't mess this recipe up unless you go out of your way to burn them. These cookies are great for busy weekends, game days, tailgating, or any time you just want to have a cookie jar full of fall flavors. If fall flavors are not for you, you have a problem....try using regular or crunchy peanut butter instead.

-Preheat oven to 325-

1 cup pumpkin spice peanut butter 
{by Peanut Butter & Co.}
1/2 cup sugar
1 large egg

Cream all 3 ingredients together in a medium size bowl. Mix well so that the egg is blended.
Put mix into the refrigerator uncovered for 30 minutes 

Cover cookie sheet with parchment paper
Scoop out cookie dough and roll into a ball
Flatten with a wooden spoon or 
make a criss-cross pattern with a fork
Put in the oven and set timer for 18-20 minutes
{mine only need 18 minutes max}

Let cool on a wire rack until ready to consume 
with a big ol' glass of milk.
Or save a few for breakfast and have with coffee-
it's life changing y'all-trust me


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