Sunday, January 20, 2019

Snow Day Memories

Yesterday we finally got enough snow for the kids to actually play in! I am sick with a nasty sinus and respiratory thing that snuck up on me early Saturday morning. I feel miserable! So I pretty much stayed inside catching up my IG stories & trying everything to get better. But that didn’t stop me from enjoying watching the kids play from the comfort of my cozy couch! We haven’t gotten a good snow around here in quit sometime, so it was a nice surprise to wake up to this little winter wonderland.

As soon as Mary Kathryn & Will woke up they couldn’t wait to go outside and play. I grew up in Iowa till I was 8 years old {the age Mary Kate is right now} & we never knew what it was like to not have snow. As a matter of fact we used to get snow here a lot in Northwest Arkansas when I was a kid & then it just kinda stopped. So it was nice to get a little something for the kids to enjoy. 

Will played the most outside and made a snow sculpture that looked a lot like a certain male appendage. I can’t help but laugh & post it because in his eyes it looks like a squirrel. But as grown ups, we always see something much differently from kids (dirty minds, ha!)

And of course our dog, Duchess, saw his sculpture as a bone for her to eat. You can’t make this stuff up, people. I swear I coughed/laughed so much-welcome to my crazy family, y’all!

Later in the day Mark took the kids sledding over to the high school where there is a hill just big enough for them & my peace of mind. Since we don’t get much snow here I don’t have snow boots for the kids. Rain boots, we got em! Snow boots, not so much. So the kids trekked back & forth in their tennis shoes since we only had a little bit of snow on the ground. 

And what’s better than taking a ride on their Mom’s old childhood sled? Yep, this sled has been with me since I lived in Iowa. And it’s so wonderful to see my kids enjoying it too. It may not see the same snow as it once did, but it still sees the same smiles when it’s pulled through any amount of snow. Hope you all enjoyed your snow day as I much as I did, even though it was from the couch, 
watching my kids enjoy life simple pleasures is truly what childhood memories are made of. 

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